How To Show Affection to Your Significant Other

I am so thankful to have a significant other that I get to show affection to. Showing affection is something I have been doing since day one of our relationship. There are so many ways to show that you care for your significant other - the possibilities end at your imagination. Even if you are not artistic or creative, the fact that you put in an effort to think about your special someone will make them feel super wanted, loved, and get you major brownie points. If you want to figure out ways to show affection to your significant other, want to know my ways, or just be a more affectionate person, then keep reading!

Make a little treasure hunt for them

Whenever Garrett had a long day at work or hasn’t seen me in a while, I like to do little treasure hunts for him around the house. Let’s say that I hid one of his favorite candy bars, and I put together about 5 clues that he has to find around the house in order to get the candy bar. It’s a fun little way to be creative and have fun in an environment you both share. I hid clues in the washer, behind the front door, under the toilet seat, just to send Garrett on a wild goose chase around the house. It is so funny to watch him ask me for hints, especially if I put a time limit of 5-minutes to find all the clues.

This treasure hunt idea can be done with more than just physical objects. Maybe the clues can lead to a memory, or something you both share that you haven’t thought of in a while. The fact of the matter is, you put thought into that other person to show that you appreciate them. The thought alone is extremely heartfelt.

Write a handwritten letter

There is something about a handwritten letter that really hits your heartstrings just right. No matter what the letter is about - the fact that you took the time to handwrite something, and give it to someone you love or adore, is a strong way of showing affection in the smallest way.

In the earlier part of our relationship (my husband & I), we were in a long distance relationship of about 3-ish hours. I wrote Garrett so many notes and slipped them in places he would notice later on, like in his jacket pocket or in the visor of his car. There was also a gift I gave him with a bunch of different, small letters inside for different moods & situations. For example: for when…you are missing me, for when…you are angry, etc.

It’s a gift that keeps on giving and just keeps getting better with time.

Learning their love language

Have you heard of love languages? They aren’t sexual things - rather, they tell how you, as a partner, like to receive affection and intimacy from your significant other. I just took the 5 Love Languages Quiz on this website and here are my scores:

(11) Acts of Service

(7) Quality Time

(6) Words of Affirmation

(5) Physical Touch

(1) Receiving Gifts

Having the benefit of knowing your significant others’ love language is key to treating them in the ways they want to be treated - literally. Here is what the website says about the quiz:

The 5 Love Languages® profile will give you a thorough analysis of your emotional communication preference. It will single out your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect with your loved one with intimacy and fulfillment.

You will now see 30 paired statements. Please select the statement that best defines what is most meaningful to you in your relationship as a couple.

Do something they wouldn’t expect you to do

Is it always your chore to take out the trash, or do the dishes? Wouldn’t it mean so much to you if your S.O. did the dishes & took out the trash, among other things? Wouldn’t that feel so good?

It’s amazing that small acts of kindness/service can really change a person’s mood and outlook on a person. For me, it’s a struggle to get my husband in a photo willingly or take my photo for me. There are sometimes where a tripod just doesn’t cut it for a situation. When my husband gives in to take my photo, I get a little bit of joy because I know he doesn’t like taking pictures or being in pictures. But he loves me and does it for me - and I am forever grateful for the small things he does for me.

Do you feel like these tips will come in handy, with showing affection to your significant other?

Are there ideas I didn’t mention, that you think others would enjoy reading about?

Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments, and make sure to share this on social media!

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.

Questions for the Married Couple: Garrett and Diane


Moving Into Our New Home