Empowered Women's History Month

As many of you might have heard, March is National Women’s History Month. Even through all the constant negativity from our society, women still find a way to show off their pride and femininity that best suits them.

I celebrated Women’s History Month with someone of the most empowered women I know, my old co-workers. I worked at Charlotte Russe for a couple months, but the friendships I made from that store are priceless. My manager, Chelsea Beard, wanted to celebrate SIX YEARS of working at Charlotte Russe in early March, so we did just that!

All of us had something to say to our amazing manager, and what better way to send Chelsea off to her new adventures than telling her everything we love about her? I made a video of our dinner experience at the good ol’ Carolina Ale House, showcasing the many personalities of Store #507.

If you want to look at the celebrations, click on the video below!


I loved working with my Charlotte Russe family, and I wouldn’t trade my experiences for anything. These women have helped empower me through the most difficult times, and they are also there for me through all my successes. I couldn’t have asked to work with a better group of women.

The main task I did throughout Women’s History Month was appreciating the female body, and what each of us experience every day, as humans. Our bodies are capable of so much, yet we can only process about 5% of what our body is doing outside of our subconscious. It is very important to consider your mental health as well, as I know I am not the only guilty one who neglected their mental wellness.

There are many small tasks we can do to make sure that we are maintaining our mental wellness. Meditation, talking to a friend, playing a game to get mind off homework…the possibilities are endless.

Respect your body and what it does for you! We should all be empowered, not just women, to be the best version of ourselves possible. We can all accomplish this by working together to life each other up, not put each other down.

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.


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