How to Shop on A Budget

Shopping is hard enough as it is, so why make it harder by paying full price? There are so many ways to save while you are shopping. Whether it is for groceries, clothes or home decor, you can shop on a budget and pay less for what you're buying. Curious to know more? Keep scrolling, babe!

Grocery Shopping on a budget

I learned at my first job, which was the grocery store, that there are ways people save on their groceries. I didn't know it was possible. There's a way you can cut back on how much you pay for groceries? I didn't know the burden of grocery shopping until my formative years of adulthood (meaning college and on my own).

These budget-saving ways can be done in person, online or right on the shelf! Just keep your eyes peeled!

  • Find email coupons/deals

  • Only shop for what you plan to eat in 1 week

  • Keep an eye out for BOGO deals

  • Use loyalty card for hidden/free deals

Clothes Shopping on a budget

Alright - so clothes shopping is a little bit harder to do on a budget. It is about where you shop & how you shop in those places. For example, second sale stores like Marshall’s usually have a clearance rack in most sections, depending on the time of year. Thrift stores may have tag sales (example: yellow tags are 25% off…you get the gist.

I shop mostly at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s, and I swear by their business clothes & body care section.

  • Shop at thrift stores

  • Shop at Marshall's/Ross/TJ Maxx

  • Shop as the season is ending

  • Keep an eye out for special deals/promotions

Home Decor Shopping on a budget

This for all of my Joanna Gaines fans out there. Home decor shopping can surely be done on a budget because up-cycling is easy to do and not as time-consuming as you may think. Here are some examples of how to shop for home decor on a budget.

  • Find pieces that are multi-functional

    • example: a couch that turns into a sleeper sofa has 2 purposes

  • Craft stores are your best friend

    • there are SO many tools available at your local craft store to make into your new home decor piece. Hello Pinterest!

  • Always check the reviews before you buy online

    • Delivery dimensions to fit into your doorway, etc.

  • Check your local Habitat for Humanity

    • Buying used is much cheaper than new

Did you learn something new about shopping on a budget?

Will you implement these ideas into your lifestyle? Let me know in the comments!

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.

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