5 Things That Make Me Happy All The Time

As humans in the modern world, we are constantly bombarded with negativity and pessimism presented through the media. But what if we took some time to appreciate the things that make us happy? I decided to challenge this notion this week, and let you all know about 5 things that make me happy all the time. I believe it is extremely important to remember what you are grateful for and to be thankful for what you have & who is in your life.

My Family

When I mention my family, it can apply to my friends, my little family of my husband & dog, it could mean my in-laws, and it can also mean my parents. The mere fact that I have so much family & very close friends who I can rely on and who love me. I love being surrounded by family, and I would do anything for my family.

Creative Opportunities

Being able to work on something creative during my week makes me extremely happy. I love just melting into my art, whatever it may be, and create beautiful works of art in the end. I love painting, coloring - anything colorful, really. It is extremely relaxing and gives me some affirmation that I can make something beautiful with my time and dedication.

If you want to see some of my amateur artwork, let me know!


Have you ever received goosebumps from listening to a song? Do you get excited when an artist you love releases new music?

I have such a strong passion for music. Ever since I was in elementary school, I was involved in music. Orchestra, choir, marching band, color guard, winter guard, you name it. I was involved in it and surrounded by it constantly. But I absolutely loved it. And I still love music with the same amount of passion to this day.


Whether it be soft things, relaxation, or a combination of the two - I love comfort. I dress more towards comfort than appearance 90% of the time. Comfy clothes can still look amazing though! Comfort can bring so much happiness to a person, especially me. Have you ever felt so much happiness from being in a comfy blanket, all snuggled up? What about cuddling up with a loved one? Doesn’t that bring you so much happiness? It does for me, and I want to spread the message that comfort can bring happiness!

Making Other People Happy

If you know anything about me, you would know that I absolutely love making other people happy. Sometimes, I put others happiness before my own. But that is only because it makes me so happy to see others happy. I feel like happiness and positivity are infectious, and one of the best influences on a human’s overall mental state.

There are so many ways to make people happy throughout your day, and it is not hard to do at all! You could compliment someone on a piece of clothing they are wearing, something they said to you, or just telling someone that you hope they have a great day. If you are not a person like me, who likes making other people happy, just focus on making yourself happy! After all, you are the only person that matters at the end of the day. Make sure that you are happy before you start giving happiness and your attention to others who might not deserve it. Spend your time and resources wisely, and don’t let anyone take advantage of your niceness.


If you're up for the challenge, let me know in the comments what are some of the things that make you happy all the time. Spreading happiness and positivity is more impactful than spreading hate and pessimism.

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Diane Mullis

Hello! I am a 20-something lifestyle blogger, who is aiming to inspire someone out there with my blog posts about mental health, relationships and daily life.


7 Things You Need to Do Every Day


How I Really Feel About Diets